5. Cellular Communications Tower (Monopole) at Signal Hill Park (Signal [Wilcoxen] Hill)

Background. Milestone Communications (representing Verizon) is in discussions and planning with the municipality of Manassas Park for the installation of a cellular communication tower (monopole) by Trileaf Communications in Signal Hill Park located on Signal View Drive in Manassas Park.

Of primary concern is the proposed monopole location’s impact on the historical view shed from the 1861 signal station located on what is now known as Signal Hill (in 1861 known as Wilcoxen Hill) toward the 1861 signal station sites located at Yorkshire, the Van Pelt House on Matthews Hill and Centreville.

Current Status.

On 3 August, the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) concluded its assessment of the proposed communications tower and issued its findings, “We believe that the undertaking will have No Adverse Effect on historic properties listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, specifically the First Battle of Bull Run, First Battle of Manassas (076-0271), Signal Hill (076-0016), and the Bristoe Station Battlefield (076-5036).”

Parties Involved.

Manassas Park

Milestone Communications

Trileaf Communications

Prince William County Planning Office

Prince William County Historical Commission


Planned Actions/Activities