Bristoe Station Campaign Caravan Tour

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Tour Marching Orders

Date: Saturday, , November 11, 2023

Assembly Location/Time: 8 :30 AM Parking lot at Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park (Iron Brigade Unit Ave, Bristow, VA)

Tour Start Time: 9:00 AM     Tour Duration: Approx. 6 1/2 Hrs

Mode of Transportation: Carpool caravan. We need to minimize number of cars due to limited parking at a couple of stops.

Guide: Bill Backus – Preservationist/Prince William Office of Historic Preservation

Cost: Free! If interested in attending, please sign up via BRCWRT’s website

Uniform of the Day: Appropriate dress for local weather conditions. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Water & insect repellent advised. Walking stick if desired.

Lunch: 12:30 PM Bristow Center Shopping Center: Choice of restaurant, Individual tabs

Subject Matter: Final week of the Bristoe Station Campaign, including the clash at Auburn, troop movements leading to the battle, the Battle of Bristoe Station and the Battle of Buckland Mills. 5 tour stops.

BRCWRT Contact: Gary Haskins – / 703 850-2108