DATE: Saturday, 19 September 2009
ASSEMBLY TIME: 7:30 A.M. for a departure at 7:40 A.M.
ASSEMBLY LOCATION: University Mall, located in the southeast quadrant of the intersersection of Ox Road (Route 123) and Braddock road (Route 620). We will meet in the parking lot to the right front of the McDonald's Restaurant near the M&T Bank Building. (Look for orange tape on vehicle antennas).
TOUR DURATION: 7:40 A.M. until 3:20 P.M.
TOUR MAPS/DIRECTIONS: Strip maps of entire
tour route will be handed out at the Assembly area.
The tour route will be south on Route 123 (Ox road) from University Mall
to I-95. Continue south on I-95 to Exit 126 (Massaponax). Then continue south on U.S. 1 (Jefferson Davis Highway) to the intersection with Massaponax Church Road (Route 608). Massaponax Church (Stop 1) is located in the northwest quadrant of U.S. 1 and Route 608. **Map**
Guinea Station, Bethel Church [now New Bethel
Church], Bowling Green, Mount Carmel Church, Hanover
Junction, Ox Ford (North Anna Battlefield).
CHIEF TOUR GUIDE*: Dr. James Ginther, PhD, archivist, Archives and Special Collections, Library, U.S. Marine Corps.
*Note: Dr. Ginther is replacing J. Michael Miller.
LUNCH: Brown Bag lunch is strongly recommended. There are no fast food locations near mid-day tour stops.
PHYSICAL EXERTION: Low to moderate. Participants
with cardiac or respiratory problems should not
participate. Walking tour of the North Anna Battlefield
will be two miles in length.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event that adverse
weather conditions force a cancellation, notification will be via email to the people on the sign up list. Alternatively you may
call John McAnaw at 703-978-3371. A Go/No Go decision
will be made at 6:15 A.M. on 19 September. If the tour
is cancelled, it will not be rescheduled this calendar
at 703-978-3371.