Fighting encroachment on sacred battlefields -- one soldier at a time...
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December 14, 2003
"Project Links Battlefield, Museum -- Civil War-Era Effort Helped Map Future for Aviation Center": Washington Post, National News, December, 14, 2003
"The National Air and Space Museum's new annex at Dulles International Airport might not even exist were it not for the obsessive quest of a Civil War general once court-martialed for cowardice".
October 2003
"Friends Want no Site Bypass": Civil War Courier, October, 2003
"The Friends can not condone nor support locating a major through-highway on any undeveloped border of the Battlefield." -- Friends of Manassas National Battlefielde Park, Postion Statement
October 2003
"Manassas Friends Stand Opposed": Civil War Courier, October, 2003
"The Civil War heritage group, Friends of Manassas National Battlefield Park, has stood opposed to proposed construction around the battlefield site."
October 2003
"Nomination Advances for Historic District": Civil War News, October, 2003
Article by Deborah Fitts
"The process of expanding a historic district boundary at Manassas National Battlefield Park is making progress, six years since it was initiated."
October 2003
"Purchase of Manassas Land is Celebrated": Civil War News, October, 2003
"Preservationists hailed a successful land purchase of a 136-acre tract at Manassas battlefield in August..."
July 2003
"Group's Concerns for Manassas Battlefield": Civil War News, August, 2003
June 2003
"Park Will Rehab Battlefield Buildings": Civil War News, June, 2003
October 2002
"Manassas Battlefield to Relocate Woodlot": Civil War News, October, 2002
MNBP Bypasses: Description of the problems facing the Manassas Bypass proposal; issues, solutions, contacts.
Bypass Newsletter: Highlights Initial Screening Results. Includes MAP "Concepts Recommended for Further Study"
Law 100-647: This is Public Law 100-647-Nov. 10, 1988.
16 USC 429b (excerpt)
"Highway Relocation"
Here are 2 recent letters (petition) to Representative Frank Wolf.
Recent Petition Letter
May Petition Letter
Here is Ed Wenzel's June 6th Letter to Rep. Wolf and Rep. Wolf's reply.
Ed's Letter